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This game has its own characteristics that make this roulette version intriguing, interesting and even a bit exotic.

Be sure the game process will not disappoint you, but you should learn beforehand the peculiarities of French Roulette. The French Roulette wheel is the same as any European Roulette one: the only green zero and numbers from 1 to 36 in black and red colors.

But the French Roulette table differs a lot. But if the next round the ball stops at zero, the player loses the whole bet. As you know there are two types of roulette bets — inside and outside. French Roulette has them and some other additional Cell Bets unique to this variation of Roulette:.

Well, payouts in French Roulette are the same as in any other roulette variation. So Good Luck and Have Fun! Copyright © RouletteSimulator. net info roulettesimulator. Home Roulette Simulators European Roulette American Roulette French Roulette Live Roulette Mini Roulette Best Online Casinos.

Free French Roulette Simulator. Play for Real Money Review Us. European Roulette. Play Now. Try your luck today! The main game is played with a wheel and colored pockets with alternating black and red.

The game is very similar to a real-world casino table. The difference is that it is offered in the comfort of your home. This table game can be played on a personal computer or mobile phone. The goal is simplified to just choosing the number on which the ball will settle.

The table is crisp and clear , with delightful green felt. NetEnt Games tend to go the extra mile for your enjoyment after all! When it comes to placing bets, Digital European Roulette is incredibly easy to get to grips with. Bets can range widely, but it will depend on the bet type you place as to what your odds are, and how much you can win.

Digital European Roulette is easy to play — all you need to do is select your bet, place it and wait for the wheel to be spun. The themes and features of the game include Autoplay, Dynamic Billboard, Favorite Bets, Hot and Cold numbers, Racetrack, and a Special bets panel.

This game was designed for both the experienced and beginner players of European Roulette. The simulation windows are designed with state-of-the-art technology with no lags between placing a bet and winning.

There are 5 types of inside and outside bets that can be made on European Roulette. Most of the bets offer different chances at winning and different payouts, and this is what attracts players to European Roulette.

Outside Bets are recommended for inexperienced players because they are easier to understand, there is less risk and players have a better chance of winning. The disadvantage of Outside Bets is that the payouts are smaller. For more experienced players, familiar with risks that come with the game, Inside Bets are recommended.

There is an additional option of betting that represents the wheel. There are 3 major types of Call Bets; the Voisin Du Zero the bet is placed on numbers which are neighbors of zero ; the Tiers du Cylindre the bet is placed on the numbers which are the opposite of the numbers chosen during a Voisins du Zero bet ; and the Orphelin , which is a bet placed on the remaining 8 numbers on the wheel.

In a nutshell, the game is designed for both novice and veteran online Roulette players. After all, the experience is without a glitch while playing mobile casinos and desktop casinos. Feel like placing a bet but also want to spend time with family? The answer to this dilemma is our digital version of European Roulette.

You get the chance to earn extra cash while you relax at home or even at your favorite place. The digital version of European Roulette gives you the opportunity to have a casino experience without having to leave your seat!

Play free roulette games online. ✓ European roulette. ✓ American roulette. ✓ French roulette. ✓ No download or registration required It is much easier to visit an online gambling establishment because any of it has French Roulette! Check also our French Roulette Simulator. You can play it Play best roulette games ✓ + free demo games OR play for real money ✓ Without downloading or registration ✓ Exclusive offers for UK players


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Klik op de knop hieronder om de European Roulette Pro op te starten:. Dit Europees Roulette spelletje opent in een nieuw Tabblad met Laadt het spel opnieuw als de Chips niet zichtbaar zijn, hierbij zal je fun-saldo weer terugkomen op de beginbalans.

Dit is een gratis spel, alle winsten en verliezen zijn fictief. Per draai is er een minimale inzet 1 euro en een maximale inzet van euro. Zowel inside- als outside bets hebben een limiet van euro. Dit spel werkt zowel op een Laptop of Desktop als via een mobiel of tablet. Meer opties kun je vinden via onze Mobiel Roulette pagina.

Werkt het spel niet? Neem dan contact met ons op. Dit geldt ook voor de mobiele varianten op deze website.

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Er wordt verschillende software gebruikt om het spel aan te sturen en in het geval van Live Roulette worden er andere medewerkers aangenomen.

De meeste spelers in Nederland geven de voorkeur aan de casinospellen van Evolution Gaming, die hebben ook een aantal speciale online roulette versies op de markt gebracht zoals Immersive Roulette en Lightning Roulette.

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Nederland is echt een live casino land en dat kun je terugzien aan het complete spelaanbod. Zo zijn er tafels van Playtech PLC, Evolution Gaming AB, Pragmatic Play en het Hollandse Stakelogic Live. Live Casino spellen kan niemand gratis aanbieden, wel kunnen wij de beste informatie geven om je goed voor te bereiden.

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Maar wist je dat er ook versies bestaan met drie draaiwielen of meerdere balletjes? Bekijk hieronder de verschillende varianten die je kunt terugvinden bij het legale casino aanbod, in de meeste gevallen hebben we ook een gratis versie voor wanneer je deze vormen van roulette online wilt uitproberen:.

Wij bieden informatie over bijna alle onderwerpen die met online roulette te maken hebben. Om snel van start te kunnen gaan kan je hieronder de meest gestelde vragen bekijken:. Hierop staan de getallen op volgorde van het roulette-wiel afgebeeld. Als je bijvoorbeeld denkt dat de kogel op de Zero gaat vallen de nul maar misschien in het vakje ernaast beland dan kan je inzetten op het burenspel.

Als je zero met 1 buur speelt dan speel je op de getallen 32, 0 en Als je op de Zero speelt met 2 buren dan zet u in op de Zero en de 2 getallen links en rechts van de Zero. In dit geval zet u dus in op de getallen 15, 32, 0, 26 en 3. Het burenspel kan goed van pas komen als je volgens de Chinese Strategie speelt.

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Het voorspellen waar de kogel valt is simpelweg niet mogelijk tenzij er een afwijking in het roulette wiel is of de dealer een routine heeft ontwikkeld. Kansen berekenen kan wel.

Ja, mits je het goede online casino uitkiest is het veilig om online roulette te spelen. Je wilt altijd terecht komen bij een legale partij waarbij je kan terugvallen op Kansspelautoriteit wanneer er iets misgaat. Heeft een casino de KSA licentie dan kan je eerlijk en veilig roulette spelen, ze moeten dan aan de strengste veiligheidseisen voldoen om als online casino operationeel te mogen zijn in Nederland.

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Eén van de populaire trends op het gebied van online roulette spelen is de mogelijkheid om Live te spelen. Dit gebeurd via een webcam die in een echt fysiek casino of Studio is opgesteld. Zo heeft Holland Casino een eigen studio in Scheveningen en worden de meeste tafels van Stakelogic Live vanuit Eindhoven uitgezonden.

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In other words, you play the same game, but the gameplay is different. If you are looking for free online roulette without download and registration, this is the first place to check. We invite all our visitors to try different variants of roulette for free.

You can start playing instantly on any device without any features or time restrictions. They are no different from real games, except that a virtual balance is used, and the payouts are also virtual. Practice, test strategies, or just play for fun before you start playing for real money! For technical and practical reasons, there is no demo version of live roulette: it can only be played for real money.

But on our site, you can find reviews of the best live roulette games and easily choose the ones that suit you most. Live roulette is an immersive experience similar to playing in a real casino, and it includes many innovative mechanics, such as multiplier payouts: we definitely recommend you try it.

These games also allow you to socialize as you can chat with other players and the croupier while playing. You can find more exotic variants in this category. A different game studio develops each online roulette game in the UK. In other words, 3D and live games that you see in casinos do not actually belong to that casino: they are created by software developers known as "third parties".

The casino is just a platform that cooperates with these providers and offers their games to its members. As you can imagine, some studios' games are better than others: the better a provider is, the more enjoyable the experience for players.

This is currently the largest live casino games studio in the world and live roulette games have an important place in its portfolio. Evolution also owns the Netent and Ezugi brands and has multiple games that have achieved "legendary" status.

Founded in , this studio has an impressive collection of 3D RNG games as well as live titles. Its live roulette portfolio includes games such as Quantum Roulette, Prestige Roulette, and Single Zero Roulette. This developer has been broadcasting live from its studio in Bucharest, Romania, since Known for its innovative slot games, this Sweden-based developer has also been offering live casino games since Auto Roulette, Roulette Live Pro, and Live Roulette VIP are the most notable games in its collection.

Netent streams in HD and uses its own specially trained croupiers. Authentic is a UK, MGA, and Romania licensed game studio. Microgaming is a studio known for developing the first online casino and mobile casino software in history.

Its live games collection contains fewer options compared to other developers, but each one is above a certain level of quality and includes features that give players a more enjoyable experience.

Broadcasting mostly from Canada, the studio offers different variants under the "live roulette" category. Skywind Group is a company that produces games and equipment for land-based casinos but has also been developing 3D and live casino titles for some time.

Skywind adds real-time statistics to every game and is licensed from 7 different countries, including the UK. In this classification, wager limits are taken into account, not the game's rules, gameplay, betting options, or developer. In this context, table limits mean the minimum and maximum bets accepted on that game.

Betting limits, on the other hand, are specific limits for each bet type in the game — for example, the minimum limit of a straight bet may be higher than the minimum limit of the table. Both table and betting limits for these games are higher than average. This amount can be as high as 5, GBP per round.

It is possible to find even higher limits on some special tables. Online roulette with high stakes offers very high winning potential, but the money that can be lost can be just as high.

The vast majority of roulette games in UK casinos fall into this category, as the majority of players are not high rollers. Online roulette with low stakes are games you can join with bets as low as 10p. The Gambling Act is the law that legalized gambling, and the UK Gambling Commission UKGC is the agency that regulates it.

Any operator that gets a license from the UKGC can offer legal casino games including roulette in both land-based and online forms. UK players can play at these UKGC-licensed casinos or any international casino that accepts them as a member: both are legal. Playing at UKGC-licensed casinos lets you take advantage of advanced responsible gambling tools, such as registering to a national database GamStop to control your gaming habits even more.

However, due to local laws, bonuses at UKGC-licensed casinos are very weak or nonexistent: take this into account when making your choice. The roulette game has a simple principle: you try to guess where the ball dropped on a spinning wheel will land. There are 37 or 38 numbers in total on this wheel, depending on the variant played.

Except for one, half are red, and half are black. This design allows many betting options to emerge. For example, you can bet on a single number. You can try your luck with multiple combinations, such as all numbers from 1 to Each of these betting options has a different chance of winning.

Payment amounts are determined accordingly: bets with a low chance of winning payout big, and bets with high chances payout low. For your better understanding, a play roulette simulation will work step by step as follows:.

In 3D RNG games, you place your bet first. In live games, you have to wait for the dealer's declaration that new bets are being accepted. In any case, it is sufficient to place casino chips, each with a different monetary value, on top of the betting options on the roulette table. These chips represent your wager and the numbers on them show the value of that bet.

For example, if the chip reads "20", it stands for a 20 GBP bet. You can place chips on multiple positions at the same time, that is, you can place multiple bets in a single round.

In live games, after all players have placed their bets, the croupier does it by spinning the wheel and dropping a ball on it.

In any case, the ball will land in a pocket when the spin ends. If your bet covers this pocket, you will get a payout based on your bet type.

Otherwise, you can try your luck again in the next round. You can use both terrestrial casinos and online casinos to play roulette. In both, you can find the same games in terms of rules, betting options, and chances to win.

However, online roulette games have some features that are not available in the terrestrial versions, which make the gameplay more enjoyable. By clicking this button, you will repeat the same bet in the next round with the same wager value. This option clears all the chips you have placed on the roulette table.

Some bets and strategies require you to place chips in multiple positions at once. For example, if you place 12 different straight bets, there will be 12 chips on the table. You can use this feature instead of removing them one by one in the next round. This button allows you to clear your last action on the roulette table.

For example, the last chip you placed will be cleared when you press the undo button. If you've changed your mind or misplaced the chip, this feature means you don't have to start over.

This button has a simple but useful feature: double the bet amount. Let's say you place a 10 GBP straight bet but feel lucky before the game starts: clicking this button will automatically increase your bet to 20 GBP.

You can use it until the wheel starts to spin. Due to some betting options or strategies, you may need to place many chips in specific positions on the table. In live games, this is a problem as players have an average of 20 seconds to join a new round. This feature allows you to save and repeat complex bets with one click.

This screen allows you to see the results of the last spins usually the last spins. For some roulette systems especially progressive betting strategies , this information can be quite valuable.

Online roulette is a game that requires you to browse through numerous resources to increase your chances of winning and playing like a professional gambler.

We give you access to all these resources in one place, and we offer different guides for different features of the game. By reading them, you can become a much better player and find the most suitable games for yourself.

Roulette is one of the most strategized games, some of which focus on bankroll management and others on increasing your chances of winning. So, do they really work? Here, we explain these strategies in detail and test them with simulations to see if they make a real difference.

You can learn the basic rules of the game here. We explain how to play different variants, explain what the betting options mean and what possibilities they cover, and talk about the basics you need to know to play like a pro.

Here are some simple yet useful tips every roulette player should know. This information will allow you to manage your budget more efficiently, easily choose between different variants, and understand which bets offer a higher chance of winning. You can use the tool here to see how much of a chance each bet offers in European and American roulette.

The tool on this page allows you to see how much each bet will pay according to the wager amount in the European and American variants. You can see what the payout would be if you win that bet.

If you want to learn about a particular roulette game, the reviews on this page will come in handy. You generally want to stick with lower house edge games unless you have a specific strategy that will help you beat the probability at games such as American.

Remember, American Roulette , has a higher house edge because of the double zero sector. Always make sure you understand how bonuses and promotions applying to roulette play work. Read through the playthrough requirements and then double-check the wagering contributions so you are always prepared.

Pick cashback offers instead of welcome bonuses , as the cashback will further help you offset the house edge by providing you with a good way to regenerate some of your losses. So far as tips for playing roulette go, this one is possibly our best. Some game versions still make outside bets riskier, but these versions are not too common.

Use our calculators to double-check and make sure. Remember, that there is still a small house edge even with outside bets, and use this knowledge to place tailored and smart bets that benefit you.

Low limits will allow you to stay flexible and adjust your budget in a way that is affordable and accessible. In theory, this is possible but not likely to happen. The most common form of cheating involves using magnets on roulette wheels.

This, however, rarely happens, especially in an officially-licensed casino; they do not want to risk paying fines and losing their license for gambling.

This is another reason why you should stick to reputable casinos that have been in business for a while. These casinos can handle large payouts and they have no reason for blatantly cheat the players.

As long as you stick to choosing reputable casino platforms offering roulette wheels, you should be safe from any form of trickery. Regardless of the type of roulette you are playing, the house always has an advantage.

Aside from that, this is a randomized game, although a smart choice of games and strategies can increase your chances of winning. In case of losing, you double your bet on red in the next spin. However, if you reach the house betting limit or spend all the cash you have, you might end up losing great sums of money.

There are those who consider themselves professional roulette players and risk a lot of money, but we suggest approaching roulette and other forms of gambling with wisdom and choosing gambling strategies.

Modern artificial intelligence is focused on monitoring statistics and probability. Ultimately, this is something you can also do by hand, although software can analyze vast amounts of data far faster than you.

When it comes to actual ball trajectory, predicting it would require analysis of the wheel position and ball speed at the moment of releasing the ball. In theory, this is possible, but you would need high-speed cameras to capture that information.

At the end of the day, roulette is a randomized game, and while artificial intelligence can increase your chances of winning, it cannot guarantee a win.

The crucial thing to consider is both the minimum and maximum bets of a casino. You would think that this is a foolproof strategy, but imagine entering a losing streak. The problem with this strategy is that it can only work if you have infinite funds and the bet ranges on the table are unlimited.

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